Yesterday Caleb, my very first baby boy turned 7. And it has gone by in a flash. As I do for all my kiddos in honor of their birthdays, I’m sharing some fun facts today about the sweet boy who made me a mommy!
- He takes his job as big brother to 3 very seriously. He reads to them, he helps them find toys, and he explains life to them. It’s really the most beautiful thing to watch.
- He loves art and wants to be an artist when he grows up. He has this amazing artistic and creative ability that reminds me so much of Josh. He has an eye for patterns and can just sit and sketch for a really long time.
- He has such a sensitive soul. When he feels things, he feels them HARD.
- This kid can RUN. Josh and I always say that he’s going to be a cross country or track star. Those little legs can go so fast! If only we could put a small track inside our house for winter use. 😉
- Some of my favorite moments are sitting and having long discussions with him. He has so many insightful questions and has learned so much this past year. The difference from 6 to 7 is seriously amazing.
- I can always count on Caleb to eat and love anything I make. I can probably count on one hand the number of things he doesn’t like which is such a huge blessing to balance out our Eli who is the complete opposite. For his birthday dinner he chose chicken pot pie. 😉
- I see myself in him so much. He and I just really understand each other. I think we process and feel things the same way so I can understand the things he goes through differently than Josh can. I hope we always have this unique kind of bond that we do now.
I know that seven will be a big year and I know he is ready! I can’t wait to see what this year brings for our sweet boy.
Oh and if anyone figures out how to slow down time… you let me know.