Month: October 2015

Newborn Pictures

We had newborn pictures taken of our sweet boys a couple weeks ago and I am beyond in love with them.


I feel like they already look bigger and different than they did just two weeks ago.  Our photographer is a teacher by day and patient, calm, talented photographer in her spare time. I didn’t know how newborn pictures would go with two babies, let alone ones that were almost a month old already but she was amazing.


I love how she got some of them individually and of course some of them sweet and cuddly together. I feel like they look so much alike in these pictures that I had to look closely to figure out which baby I was looking at!



The picture above is our little Luke. Right now he’s our calm, more go with the flow, smaller baby.



This sweet boy is Reid. Aren’t his cheeks the best? He’s our cuddly, more opinionated, lighter haired, bigger twin. I think Reid looks a lot like Caleb and Luke looks more like Eli.


I absolutely treasure our newborn pictures that we had taken of Caleb and Eli and I’m excited that these are the perfect companion to those. I know when you add a member (or members!) to your family, money can get a bit tight.  I’m all about cutting corners to make ends meet but in my opinion, newborn pictures are not on the list of things to skip!

Life with twins- 1 month old!

I’ll be honest.  This month has been a total blur.  Ironically, today is actually my original due date! It feels like just yesterday I was still pregnant and yet I also feel like they have been here forever. We are totally and completely exhausted and I’m not sure I can form a coherent thought but I’m going to try! 😉 I’ve got a bunch of pictures to share so at least we have that.

Josh has been back at work for about two weeks right now.  My mom came to hang out with me during the mornings for the next week and it was such a blessing to have her. During the week she was here, it was kind of a trial run for me to have all four by myself. Packing up the babies twice a day to drop off and pick up Caleb and Eli from school while I was still recovering from the c-section was a challenge and I was glad she was here to help!

We are extremely lucky in the temperament of these sweet babies. So far, they are pretty easy going. I mean obviously they are newborns and don’t have a lot of chill in them when they want something, but so far no one cries just to cry. They are pretty easily comforted with a snuggle or a pacifier and after having a difficult first baby, I really know what a blessing that is!  They wake overnight about every 3 hours to eat and then thankfully almost always go right back to sleep. (As a side note: I’m super lucky in that I have always had a husband who was willing to help me with our babies overnight but with twins it is definitely ‘all hands on deck’ overnight and he jumped right in and never looked back!)

We are tandem nursing now and it’s going great. I’ve definitely had to grow extra arms to get everyone into position at the beginning but we’ve pretty much got it down now. I can’t believe how much time it saves and it also allows us to sit and snuggle together after they finish eating which I LOVE. Reid has consistently done a good job gaining weight and Luke has also gotten back on his growth curve in the last couple weeks which is an amazing relief.

Caleb and Eli are pretty obsessed with them and love ‘playing’ with them and getting things for them.  They have these adorably high and sweet voices when they talk to the babies and just cannot get enough. Caleb even offered to get up with them overnight for us and I’m seriously considering it? Haha!

So overall. We are doing great. They are doing really great. We are all pretty exhausted. Honestly though, I would take this exhausted phase over the third trimester any day. I’m getting way less sleep and yet have way more energy. Those pregnancy hormones are no joke!


I’m so determined to get monthly pictures with these guys like I did with our older two but I have to say- it is so much harder with two! They kept scooting down on the chair before I could take the picture so they are a little scrunched. Done is better than perfect!

I’m so thankful for these babies and I’m trying to treasure every minute. This time I really know how fast they grow.

Our newest Cubs fans

Just popping in to share some pictures of my newest favorite Cubs fans! Our family decked out for the Wild Card game on Wednesday and Luke and Reid were so excited to witness their first Cubs playoff win that they partied hard into the night. 😉

We’re playing the Cardinals in the NLDS right now and I’m loving every minute of this playoff season!

Overall we are doing really well.  Obviously, we’ve never been more exhausted. Like ever. But these little guys are doing great! They are sleeping as well as can be expected at this point and so far have generally been pretty go with the flow. With two older brothers that go to school every day and have extra activities, that is such a blessing! We started swim lessons for Caleb and Eli last weekend and the babies just slept like sweet angels in the stroller while I watched lessons.

They have both started to gain weight and their bilirubin levels are both starting to come down slowly which is a huge relief. They are nursing like champs and we are working on getting tandem feeding down. We got their newborn pictures done last weekend and I’m so excited to see them!

Off to feed some babies. Go Cubs!

All under one roof

Finally. Finally.

Reid was able to come home yesterday after spending 10 days in the NICU. By sheer luck, my parents were up yesterday morning to watch our big boys so Josh and could actually go visit Reid together. (Our hospital was amazing and always allowed us to bring Luke with us when we visited Reid. I know that is not typical of all hospitals so we were very lucky they allowed us to do that.) During morning rounds, one of the doctors unexpectedly said that she felt like Reid was eating, breathing and maintaining his temperature well enough to go home that day as long as we brought him to our next doctors appointment for Luke on Monday so she could check them both out. Reid passed his car seat test required for NICU babies with flying colors and we were discharged to go home! It was such an amazing day.

It felt so sudden and nonchalant that they said we could take Reid home so we didn’t waste any time! We had one of our nurses snap a couple pictures, loaded them in their car seats and practically ran for the exit before anyone could change their minds.

The going home outfits I had bought them were 0-3 months and they were gigantic but I absolutely did not care. We worked hard for this moment!

We came home to some beautiful driveway art from my aunt and sister and a warm welcome by our wonderful neighbors. We brought them home on an unseasonably warm October day so we took them for their first mini walk lead by their proud big brothers of course.


Last night was our first night all home together and it went better than we expected. Obviously taking care of two babies is not easy but we managed to each get some chunks of sleep. The babies are only about 37 weeks gestation at this point so they are still pretty sleepy.  We have to wake them to nurse every 2-3 hours and then they were more than ready to go back to sleep. I know this won’t last forever so we will take it while we can!

Knowing that we don’t have to run back and forth to the NICU anymore is a feeling I cannot even describe. I hope I can let a little of that stress go now and actually help my body start healing from my c-section. Josh has about a week left on his paternity leave and I am so grateful that he will be here to help get us adjusted before he has to head back to work.

Our greatest adventure begins now! Life with 4 boys 4 years and under!  Wish us luck and excuse the blog silence as we settle in!


A week with us- a Toy Story Halloween!

We’ve really been trying to get out and enjoy this beautiful fall Iowa weather this year more than just about ever before. We’re totally exhausted but I also feel physically rejuvenated not having to carry around 14 pounds of baby in my tummy anymore! The end of our summer was pretty dull for our kiddos since I couldn’t get out and do very much so we’ve definitely been trying to get out and do all the fall things now to make up for that!

We took the big boys to a local (free!) pumpkin patch over the weekend while the babies stayed with my mom and aunt. For being a tiny little patch, they had so much for the kids to do. Caleb loved this giant pipe slide!

This tiny little ‘train’ was a huge favorite. I’m pretty sure it went about 2 miles/hour and went in a small circle but my kiddos thought it was the coolest thing ever. We were lucky that there wasn’t a ton of kids there around lunchtime when we went so they rode it over and over and would probably still be there if we hadn’t convinced them to move on to something else!

Tractor rides are always a favorite in our family! Someone along the way came over with a chicken from their farm and let all the kids see it up close. That was pretty cool for our boys!

We got our pumpkin decorating on which of course had to be painted like ninja turtles.  We are big fans of painting pumpkins instead of carving them at this age because then the kids can help with everything and anything that doesn’t involve knives around a 2 year old is good news for us.

This is pretty much what these guys did while the rest of us were enjoying our outside fall fun. They wanted to be festive in their Halloween monster sleepers though. Don’t they look alike here? (Luke is on the left.)

The big boys helped Daddy rake up most of our overdue leaves… and then jumped in them and tracked them all over. If we’re being honest, that’s exactly where they still are today. I’m playing the newborn twin card for that one.


Our older boys have been obsessed with Toy Story since we watched the first movie over the summer and they have been talking about dressing up as Buzz and Woody for Halloween for months. It was all I could do to keep them out of their costumes until Halloween night.

Since Luke and Reid didn’t have much of an opinion this year, we went with the toy story theme and they were the Toy Story aliens! 😉 Their hats are just pieces of felt that I cut up and hot glued together. And of course added the pipe cleaner at the top.

Caleb and Eli went trick or treating around the neighborhood with Daddy and I stayed back with the little dudes. They definitely got a lot of attention from the kids that came to our door!

Trick or treaters are exhausting for a 1 month old!

That was our Halloween week!