Month: December 2015

Life with twins- 3 months old!

Our sweet dudes are 3 months old this week! Time is just flying. The babies are doing great! This month has brought even more changes with them and a big decision for our family! After debating about this truly for about the last 9 months (since we found out we were having two), I’ve decided to stay home with our boys and not go back to my job. I’m actually back at work now for two weeks to wrap up loose ends and then I will be home full-time starting January 1st. This decision has been weighing on me because I so badly wanted to stay home – I just didn’t know if we could make it work for our family. It’s not going to be easy but we think it’s what is best for us right now!

It has been so much fun this month to hear them start babbling and making noise when interacting with us. They know and absolutely care now when we walk away, especially Reid!



They are becoming much more generous with their adorable smiles but still love it when we act like crazy people to try to get them. Caleb and Eli always get smiles from them when they use their ‘baby voices’. They definitely are sneaky dudes with those smiles though.They find my phone pretty fascinating so whenever I try to take a picture of their sweet smiles, they are gone once I take out my phone! I had to be super quick which means blurry pics but they were too cute not to share.


They have slept through the night a few times in their little lives but we are not in a consistent habit yet. They are commonly are up twice or so overnight to eat and go back to sleep, which we can definitely handle. We are still waking both up to eat because when we don’t, the other wakes up 30 minutes later which is even less sleep for us! They usually take a morning nap and a longer afternoon nap/cuddle time on the couch with me which I LOVE.



They are still doing amazing with nursing and we are getting into a real rhythm now. We are already getting ready to move on from 0-3 month clothes. Am I the only one who gets a little sad about that? I almost always tandem nurse them and sometimes they will reach over and hold each others hands. It’s the sweetest thing. Other than when they are eating, they really don’t seem to care that much about each other yet. Sometimes they reach over and put their hand or foot on the other but neither one really seems to care. Maybe they are just so used to having the other there!



We celebrated their first Christmas this past weekend which they pretty much slept through.  We spent a lot of the weekend traveling for the holiday and they got to meet our extended families. They were constantly being passed around and handled it like little angels. (Also, Josh looks exhausted in this picture because… we are. Ha!)



They have started staying awake more during the day and are starting to be entertained with toys. Their favorite thing to do is sitting in their bouncers or on my lap watching their big brothers play.

At their 3 month appointment, our pediatrician noticed that Luke has an abnormality in one of his eyes. We have been referred to a specialist to look at it next week. She wasn’t sure what it was but she did mention that prematurity can cause a range of issues in the eye. She was reassured that he doesn’t seem to have any noticeable defects in vision and can follow an object with both of his eyes. Obviously we hope and pray that everything is okay with his vision and that I can handle my anxiety about it until the appointment next week!

Luke and Reid also have to have a hip ultrasound next week at the hospital. The reason is a long story but the short version is that since they were both breech for a portion of the later pregnancy, it’s protocol to do a hip ultrasound to ensure that their hips have normal development and don’t show signs of dysplasia. Our pediatrician hasn’t noticed anything out of the ordinary so far so that is reassuring.

We have a busy couple of weeks ahead of us with both of these appointments with the different specialists and my last day of work! Happy 3 months sweet boys!

Tis the Season

This Christmas season I am honestly overwhelmed with how much we have to be thankful for. Every year after Christmas is over and it’s time to put away our Christmas decorations, I always say a prayer for our family. I pray that the next year in front of us before we open these decorations again will be full of joy and memories and that we will open them just as happy as we are when we put them away. Never could I have imagined last January when I was saying that prayer, the plans that God has had for our family. We have been so blessed by these sweet babies joining our family this year and all our memories we made before and after they were born.

We have had a busy holiday season trying to fit in all our Christmas traditions we usually do while figuring out how to do this ‘taking infant twins out in public’ thing! Of course we had to go see Santa! This was the first year that neither Caleb or Eli was nervous, they were just SO excited.

We drove to a beautiful barn decorated for Christmas about twenty minutes away to see him and somehow there was NO line. Luke and Reid slept through the whole thing and we took our own pictures for free. That’s a win in my book!

We had a big cookie baking day at my Mom’s house and both of the boys were so excited to help. ___ I’m pretty sure breastfeeding twins gives me a close to unlimited Christmas cookie license. (No? Is that not true? 😉 )

Caleb was a shepherd in his preschool’s Christmas pageant. All the preparations were kept a surprise from the parents and the kids were told not to tell us what songs they were singing.  It was so adorable! I’m going to pretend that the reason I didn’t get any more pictures is because of where we were seating but in reality keeping two infants quiet and happy doesn’t leave much room for picture taking!

We saw Christmas lights, had our annual Grinchmas with my sister and went to a holiday parade. We definitely took advantage of the season and the mild winter so far. These sweet 4 are definitely all I’ve been wishing for under the tree this year!

Merry Christmas to you and your family from all of us! Hope you have enjoyed this season as much as we have.