What a couple of weeks around here! First, some pretty big news for us. We have decided to put our house on the market and attempt to move our family closer to where I grew up. Staying in Iowa, just another part. We have basically spent every spare moment since Christmas Eve (when we decided to give this crazy plan a go) trying to prepare our house and talking with our realtor. I know…seems like a normal thing to do when you have infant twins right? There are so many reasons why we have been thinking about this and we kind of both feel like it’s now or never. If we are going to move, I would love to do it before kindergarten starts in the fall so Caleb doesn’t have to switch schools. So we’ll see. The house is supposed to be listed in the next week and then I guess we will reevaluate if it hasn’t sold by July/August. Wish us luck! Keeping the house walk-through ready with four kids shouldn’t be stressful at all. 😉

In other things… we also welcomed our brand new niece! We visited my sister’s sweet baby girl this week and we have been so excited! They knew her gender but kept it a secret. Maybe it was an aunt thing but I had a pretty strong feeling it was a girl.

This is what I was greeted with at 7AM on a Monday.  Seems about right for a house with all boys!

Caleb and Eli helped me make a cake for Daddy’s birthday. I’m going to pretend we didn’t eat half the topping that was supposed to be on it. 😉

So thankful for this guy on his birthday and everyday. This has been a wild year for us… we had just found out we were pregnant with what we thought was one baby when he turned 30. What a difference a year makes!

We celebrated Easter this weekend… although perhaps not in typical fashion for us! I mentioned that Luke and Reid were battling their first cold, and poor things are having quite the difficult time. They were up Saturday night for a really long time just restless and fussy and the four of us hardly got any sleep at all. I was supposed to get up around 5:30 to get everyone dressed and ready to go but had only been sleeping for about 40 minutes at that point and just could not pull it together in time. Josh took the older boys to Church later that morning and I stayed home with the babies who were never going to make it through Easter service poor things.


They slept for a couple hours in the morning and perked up for a little bit so I could get them dressed. You sure wouldn’t know from this picture that they weren’t feeling good!

We headed down to my mom’s for brunch and then back home for a much needed Easter nap….for everyone!

Happy Easter to all of you! Hope you have a great week.