Month: December 2017

Friday Favorites – Favorite Posts of 2017!

Happy last Friday of the year everyone! We are over halfway through Christmas break and I think I speak for everyone in my house when I say we are NOT ready to go back. We’ve been enjoying some lazy pajama mornings, sleeping in later than usual, and playing like crazy with our new Christmas toys. The temperature in Iowa this weekend is not supposed to even reach zero so I sense a lot more of this in our future. 😉

As always, I’m linking up with Erika, Narci and Andrea for the last Friday Favorites of the year!  I decided to highlight the ‘most read’ favorite posts of 2017. Maybe you saw all of these or are seeing them for the first time but it’s fun for me that some of your favorites were some of mine too!

#5 – Confessions Episode 1

In the first ever Confessions link up, I shared my super embarrassing addiction. It’s so bad for me and a terrible habit that I cannot seem to break. Turns out from the comments that I’m not the only one. 😉  I love that link up to find other souls that understand me. Haha!


#4 Friday Favorites – Birthday Edition

During my birthday week in September, I filled my Friday Favorites with fun birthday gifts I was loving. Super cute boots, an apple watch, cardigans and more! So many readers shared my love, especially with this double hooded sweatshirt from Mindy Mae’s Market that I’m still keeping my eye on.


#3 How to live life with newborn twins

This Twin Tuesday post on how to survive the first months with newborn twins was a favorite of mine too. When we found out we were expecting twins, the lack of resources on literally just ‘how to survive the day to day’ stressed me out! I hope that by sharing what worked for us, other mommas expecting twins will find encouragement and practical tips.


#2 Two Year Old Gift Guide

I put together this gift guide before my twins turned two based on what my two older boys loved at that age. Anything on this list was perfect for them this year. It was one of my most fun posts to put together!


#1 10 favorite meals to bring to new moms

Hands down, this was my most popular post of 2017. All of these are tried and true easy meals to bring to new mommas who just had babies or for any reason you may want to bring someone a meal. I’ve gone back and looked at it so many times since I posted it when I needed a meal to bring!


Those are my favorites this week! Thank you for following along and being a part of my first year of blogging. Thank you for reading, thank you for commenting and for your encouragement! And THANK YOU for your business in my Etsy shop.I love this community.

I have some exciting things planned for 2018 and I hope you will join me. You can follow me on Instagram here and on Pinterest here.

I hope you have a wonderful New Years celebration and enjoy a long weekend with your family!


From our family to yours

From our family to yours, we wish you a very blessed Christmas. I hope you spend yours with the ones you love and all of us mommas are able to focus on making memories- loud and imperfect ones! 😉

See you next week! 

Tuesday Talk – Photo Organization

Happy Tuesday everyone! There is only 5 days until Christmas! And I’m just going to pretend that I’m 100% joyful and 0% stressed about that fact. It’s for the best. 😉

I’m linking up with Erika and Fancy Ashley today for a little ‘everything goes’ Tuesday Talk.

Since we are nearing the end of the year, I always start thinking about resolutions. I feel like mine almost always follow a similar pattern: pray more, exercise more, read more, etc. Which are always things I need to work on and although I consistently do a little better each year they are still at the top of my list. I read a book by Matthew Kelly with a small group this year called Resisting Happiness. He talks a lot about habits. Changing your habits is what makes you a better version of yourself. Whether it’s starting better habits or getting rid of bad ones, your habits make you who you are. I’m really focusing on that when I think about 2018.

So, along with that theme I’ve been thinking a lot about better habits I can develop. One of those is getting rid of ‘clutter’ in my life. I’m very conscious of the need to get rid of toy clutter, counter clutter, closet clutter, etc. but I tend to ignore the little stuff which in the end make me crazy! For example, I’m a person who doesn’t deal with annoying promotional emails as they come in, so they build up until I have an inbox of over 3,000. It’s ridiculous and a BAD habit.

I also struggle with photo organization. I have all of our photos backed up for sure, but I have never taken the time to organize them with a better method than just by date. Some photos are for sure on there multiple times which is probably just a waste of file space. When I want to look for photos, it takes me a long time to find what I am looking for! I have all our photos backed up on our external hard drive and found out the other day at my mom’s group that external hard drives can just fail without warning. Especially those older than 5 years. This was me.



So. This brings me to my Tuesday Talk question – how do you organize your photos and how do you store them?

Do you ever print photos or arrange them into physical albums you have printed? Another mom at my meeting said that she uses the Groovebook app and prints a small book of photos every month to store. She said her kids love to look at them which is such a good idea! I have thousands of photos stored but they aren’t available to my kiddos to look at when they are just in storage.

I need all the advice. Help a momma out!


Friday Favorites {12.15.17}

As I sit here writing this post, this is what my Santa’s Bag app is showing me.

10 days until Christmas! I have all the gifts purchased and hidden away in our closet but I’ve only wrapped five. FIVE. I think Josh and I are signing up for some Christmas movies and hot chocolate wrapping dates this weekend!

I’m linking up with Erika, Narci and Andrea for Friday Favorites! I’ve got a random bunch of fun favorites this week because that’s what you do 10 days before Christmas. 😉


This has to be the first one this week because there isn’t much I love more than festive Christmas snacks. This Caramel Christmas Treat Mix was a huge favorite in our house. The cinnamon caramel Chex mix is amazing by itself but adding in caramel m&ms and these fun ‘Santa hats’ puts it over the top. It’s perfect for family Christmas movie night, bringing along in the car to look at lights or to bring to your holiday parties! Plus, it’s so simple that my kids made most of it themselves!

Also, if you missed my Twin Tuesday post this week on my tips to make it through your newborn’s NICU stay you can find it here. Those families unexpectedly spending the holidays with their new babies in the hospital are in my prayers this season.



After every single one of my boys were born, our family and friends would always immediately say each of them looked like Josh. Every time. I obviously carry them for nine months, birth them and they come out looking nothing like me. I found a picture of myself once that looked just like Luke and excitedly sent it to my Mom, who then told me it was actually a picture of my sister. Sigh.

BUT. There is hope for me yet. I took this sweet pictures of these two cuties Wednesday night and saw my smile in Luke’s.

My mom sent me a picture of this Christmas ornament of me close to the same age and I absolutely see it. Right? It’s proof my genes are somewhere in there after all.



Our neighbors have the very best light display show every year. The weather has been so nice lately that we’ve been outside watching the shows constantly. When we aren’t outside, our boys are at the front window watching all the shows and all the people that come to see. I don’t know how you see all those beautiful twinkling lights and not feel the Christmas spirit!



Josh’s aunt always sends the best creative gifts every year. This year she sent us this sweet welcome mat for our entryway from I’m pretty sure that’s exactly what our four boys look like every meal time! It’s perfect for Christmas time but also all winter long since it’s not holiday themed! It’s a favorite for sure!



Finally, if you are looking for a last minute Christmas gift – don’t go out to the crazy, crowded stores in the cold! Order a digital print from my Etsy shop with code NOTTOOLATE20 for 20% off through Christmas Eve. Also, if you need something quickly add my NEW Christmas Rush option to your cart with your item. For only $3 extra, have your proof sent to you for approval the same day you order (for all orders placed before 9pm CST). Once you receive your print, send it to a local 1-hour photo (like Walgreens) grab a frame and you’re done!


Those are my favorites this week! We are spending our weekend making Christmas cookies, seeing lights and preparing for the last few days of school before my kids are on Christmas break! Happy weekend!


Caramel Christmas Treat Mix!

Before Thanksgiving, our PTA put on a big ‘Ladies Night Bingo’ event. Tables and tables of moms came with snacks and drinks to play lots of rounds of bingo and win fun prizes. The grand prize for the last game of blackout bingo was $250! I have never won bingo in my life (and that streak still stands!) but I had a great time catching up with other moms at my table in Eli’s preschool class. One of the mamas brought this amazing Caramel Cinnamon Chex mix which really might have been the best part of the night. I had to consciously keep stopping myself from grabbing more.

I begged her for the recipe for the chex mix and decided to make it a little more festive for the this time of year with caramel holiday m&ms and chocolate dipped ‘Santa hats’. This is the perfect treat to bring to holiday get togethers or to make for your family to enjoy with a cozy Christmas movie! I made this for my Advent small group study last week and went home with a completely empty bowl. 😉


It’s easy enough to make on a weeknight and my kids loved helping mix the Chex mix together and dipping the Santa hats!

Make this soon! It’s seriously yummy.


For the Chex mix – adapted from Six Sister’s Stuff

You need:

9 cups of Chex cereal

1 cup of packed brown sugar

1/2 cup (1 stick) butter

1/2 cup light corn syrup (spray the measuring cup with cooking spray before you put in the corn syrup so it doesn’t get stuck!)

1 cup of sugar

3 tsp. of cinnamon

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Measure cereal into a large bowl.  Over medium heat, heat brown sugar, butter and corn syrup until the mixture comes to a boil. Let it boil for one minute while stirring constantly, then remove from heat.  Add to the bowl of cereal and gently mix well until the cereal is coated.

Combine sugar and cinnamon. Pour half of it over the cereal and mix well.

Pour the cereal onto a greased cookie sheet and sprinkle the rest of the sugar/cinnamon on top. Bake for 5 mins then flip and bake for another 3.  Remove from the oven and let cool. Then break apart and mix with the rest of the ingredients!



For the Santa Hats

You need:


Wilton red candy melts (OR White chocolate + red GEL food coloring)

mini marshmallows

Melt the candy/chocolate. Dip 25-30 bugels with a fork into your chocolate and place on a cookie sheet covered with wax paper or parchment paper. (It would not be a problem if more bugels than this were made. 😉 This was everyone’s favorite part of the mix!)

Place bugels in the fridge for 10 mins to let set. Once set, remelt the chocolate if necessary and dip just the tops of the bugels into the chocolate. Place a mini marshmallow on the end.  Let dry!


Mix together Caramel Cinnamon Chex Mix, a 10 oz bag of holiday caramel m&ms and your Santa hats! Store in an airtight container until ready to serve.


You better pull some out for your family because if you take this anywhere, I bet you come home with an empty bowl too!




6 tips to help you through your baby’s time in the NICU – Twin Tuesday

About a month ago, I included my feelings on World Prematurity Day in my November WUW post. Looking at those pictures brought back so many memories of that time in our lives and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it! Today the older boys and I made some Christmas cards to send to families with babies currently in the NICU. I know firsthand how isolating it can feel when life goes on around you but you feel just stuck and helpless. These families and sweet babies are in my prayers this holiday season.



Thinking so much these past few weeks about our experience after our twins were born gave me today’s Twin Tuesday post. I’m going to share the things we learned while we were there that helped us get through our experience in the NICU. While our babies were only there for a short time in comparison to babies born much earlier, I hope that the things we learned will help other mommas facing a similar situation. Please know that you are NOT alone. This is part of my Twin Tuesday series but whether you have one baby or two or more, this is for you!



It’s okay to not be okay.

I woke up the morning before our babies were born at 35w4d with no signs of labor, assuming that they were in the same optimal position they had been in to try a vaginal birth. I went to work just like always and around 11:00, I just started feeling weird. I worked at a hospital so I walked over to labor and delivery just in case. Our babies were born via c-section and whisked away from me for emergency medical care accompanied by my husband by 2:25pm. I was so completely unprepared for every moment of that almost 3 1/2 hours.

Now, coming down from post-partum twin hormones is NO joke paired with struggling to come to terms with an unexpected c-section and the fact that my babies were not with me. I spent the first few days in pretty much constant tears. My twins were my third and fourth babies so I knew how to be a mom and I knew what to do after my babies were born. But this situation was so far out of my control, I literally just didn’t know what to do. It was really, really hard.

It wasn’t until weeks later after our babies were home that I was talking to one of my neighbors and she innocently asked how I was doing with everything. I said I was doing “just fine!” through tears. (Lies. ALL lies.) She said “It’s okay to grieve the birth experience you thought you would have. It’s okay.” And I realized then that’s exactly what it was.

I was so sad that the birth my doctor and I had hoped for went out the window with no warning. I was so sad that I wasn’t able to be the first one to hold my babies after they were born. I was so sad that I didn’t get to place them on my chest and look at their tiny fingers. Yes, I was unbelievably grateful for the immediate care they received. Those doctors literally saved their lives. But it was okay to grieve the loss of the birth and the days following that I had hoped for. If you have those feelings too – it’s okay to grieve that loss.


Ask questions!

When members of your health care team are in the room, ask your questions! If they say something you don’t understand, ask. If you don’t know what one of the monitors or machines do, ask! It’s incredibly intimidating to walk into a room full of machines helping your baby but understanding what they each did helped me feel better.

I became overwhelmed with all the different stats they would collect and possible problems they would find on a daily basis. We found it so helpful to be in the room when the healthcare team came around for rounds so that we could hear the report and know what questions to ask.  I became close with one of the residents on our team and asked her to explain what each thing meant and what that potential problem or success would mean for us. It helped me process what was going on and feel more involved in their care.

Mom as much as you can

For the first few days when I would visit Reid, I mostly sat in a chair and watched him. It was such a weird feeling to have to ask someone else for permission to hold your own child. One of the night nurses asked me if I wanted to change his diaper but I was nervous about all the cords and monitors. She taught me how to move everything properly and how to hold him when I wanted to. She said that as nurses they love when parents get involved and honestly, I didn’t know I could! From then on, I changed his diaper whenever we were there, Josh or I tried to be there for every feeding and I cuddled him every chance I got.

I immediately started feeling like his mother again doing those simple tasks to care for him. It helped us bond and helped my mindset so much. Certainly it depends what level NICU your child is at but ask the nurses what you can do to help. Ask them to teach you!


Take care of yourself

I know this one is hard. I sucked at it. Try to remember to take care of yourself too. Drink water. Eat something that isn’t donuts. Take a breath for a few minutes. Rest when you can – especially if you’ve had a c-section. Your healthcare team is there for you. Trust them to take care of your babies when you leave the hospital or try to get some rest. Our hospital had a phone number that we could call to check on our babies or tell them that we would be there for the next feeding. Ask if your hospital has something like that.

You have babies to take care of but you can’t do it running on empty all the time. You’re a better momma and better able to handle this emotional situation when you take care of yourself too.


Take advantage of family programs

Our NICU offered a lounge for parents with good snacks, couches and a tv. They had signs for support groups, free meals and they would give you a free pass for the parking garage. We didn’t know about some of these things until Reid was almost discharged so ASK! If your hospital offers some of these things, don’t be afraid to use them. In these difficult situations, every tiny helping hand makes a difference.


Allow other people in

Having your brand new baby in the NICU can be all consuming and no one really understands what it is like until faced with that situation. I found it exhausting to explain the details to anyone what was going on so I just didn’t. I thought it would be easier but in the end it was actually incredibly isolating. By not letting anyone in on what was going on, I had to bear the burden and stress alone.

When Luke was released to come home and was having trouble gaining weight, my doctor talked about him being readmitted to the hospital. I reached a total breaking point and called my mom to unload. It helped me so much that I started calling her multiple times a day when we would have updates. It’s not like she could really do anything to make the situation better but just knowing someone else was thinking about us and praying for the specific problem changed everything for me.

Let people in. Lean on your spouse and support system and try to talk about how you are feeling. They can’t completely understand but having people in your corner makes a big difference.

That’s Twin Tuesday for today! There is so many things on my prayer list these days, but those strong NICU mama bears are sure towards the top.


For more Twin Tuesday topics, check out:

How to live life with newborn twins

How to include older siblings when you have infant twins

Preparing for your twins


Friday Favorites {12.8.17}

Happy Friday! In case you have been lacking in the Christmas spirit department, you’re in the right place! 😉

I’m linking up with Erika, Narci and Andrea for a whole post full of fun Christmas Friday favorites this week!



Every year, I wait for this Groupon from Staples to order our Christmas cards. You get 100 double sided Christmas cards (and envelopes) for $25! We’ve ordered from Staples for at least the last 4 years and I have never been disappointed with the quality of the card. They are ready for next-day pick up if ordered by 2pm so you don’t have to wait for them to ship. I’ve been tempted to skip it the last couple of years with the popularity of social media but I’m always so glad I don’t! I love sending and receiving Christmas cards every year and seeing our cards change as our kids grow every year.

* This is in NO way sponsored – just a PSA to take advantage of this great Groupon!


Another money saving favorite! I made my annual trip to the Dollar Store this week to stock up on all my supplies for wrapping gifts. They have a surprisingly large selection of wrapping paper and the price allows me to buy a bunch of different kinds (because it’s fun! ;)). I bought everything in this picture for $16!

I buy tissue paper, boxes, gift bags for teacher gifts, bows, TAPE etc all at the Dollar Store but I never buy gift tags. I love me some cute gift tags so I always make them myself. This week I posted free printable gift tags AND these gift tags from Santa too! Go and download them or pin them for later when it’s time to wrap!


My older boys and I made this quick Advent wreath out of random stuff we had at home last weekend. We’ve never had an Advent wreath at home but now that our kids are getting older, we thought this was the perfect year to start! I went out Saturday to gather up the traditional pink and purple candles but couldn’t find them anywhere because I was such a procrastinator. So Sunday we did our best with what we had! We glued pink and purple ribbon to regular white tapers to make our candles, glued them to flower pot saucers and found a small Christmas wreath to go around them. It’s not perfect but it works for us this year! Next year, I’ll be more on top of the ball. 😉



This week, I linked up with This Inspired Chick for her monthly Confessions post. I posted a holiday Q & A and answered questions about yay or nay on egg nog, real or artificial trees, favorite Christmas memories, movies and other fun stuff. I also talked about the fate of our Christmas tree with two year old twins. (Spoiler alert: we’ve lost more ornaments this year than ever before.)



One of my very Christmas movies ever is 12 Dates of Christmas. Usually, I have to stalk Freeform’s 25 Days of Christmas for the one or two times it’s on during the season but this year it’s on Netflix! It has Amy Smart and Mark Paul Gosselaar and it’s a ‘Groundhog Day’ type story where she wakes up every day on Christmas Eve. It’s the sweetest little movie and always puts me in the Christmas mood. If you haven’t seen it and are looking for a feel good movie – this one is for you!


Those are my favorites for this week! I hope you have a wonderful weekend with some of your favorites!


Keep up with us on Instagram here!


Confessions – Episode 2

I’m here linking up with Amanda from That Inspired Chick for this month’s Confessions post! (To see my Confessions from November click here.)

Today I thought I’d have a little holiday fun and do a Christmas confessions post. I’m answering a bunch of Christmas questions about me and I hope you will share some of your answers too!


Wrapping paper or gift bags?

#Teamwrappingpaper all the way! I love to wrap gifts and I especially love easy ways to make them pretty. Yesterday, I posted a set of free printable gift tags that I will be using on all our gifts this year! There are also some for gifts from Santa!

How do you do Santa with your kids?

Our Santa always brings one ‘large’ gift for each child and the rest are from Josh and me. They know it’s from Santa because they are wrapped in Santa’s special gold paper!

When do you open presents?

We always opened gifts on Christmas morning growing up and so did my husband. We continued that with our kids! I think it kind of builds the anticipation. 😉

What special traditions do you have for Christmas morning?

Just last year, we started the tradition of coming downstairs Christmas morning and immediately going into the kitchen (without looking at the gifts or Christmas tree!). We light candles on a birthday cake for Jesus and sing ‘Happy Birthday’ to him before we do anything. I heard this idea from a mom at our mom’s group last year and loved it! It’s so important to us to keep our kids focused on what is really important at Christmas time and celebrating Jesus first helps even our little ones understand. Especially because they ‘get’ the happy birthday song!

Do you like eggnog?

NO! My husband loves it. Like really loves it. He buys a carton every year and I gag.

Real tree or artificial?

Artificial. I know this is a heated topic. 😉 Neither of us grew up with a real tree so we’ve never really known anything different. I was actually talking to one of my friends about this the other day. We were saying that the whole idea of going out as a family to find and cut down a real tree sounds like Christmas magic. But cleaning up fallen needles, making sure it’s watered and not bringing in outside creatures is just stressful to me. I’m just not sure I’m a real tree person.

When do you take the Christmas tree down?

Well before we had twins, we would leave it up until after the new year. Last year though I could NOT handle another day with our one year old twins terrorizing it so we took it down the day after Christmas and I was not sorry about it. I hope we can leave it up longer this year but if you follow me on Instagram… you will see that may not be possible.

What is one of your favorite adult Christmas memories?

Obviously I love the magic of Christmas with our young children, but our first married Christmas was one of my very favorites. Josh and I chose to spend Christmas Eve just the two of us. We went to Church and then made lasagna together at home. We had decided not to get each other anything for Christmas that year (we were saving for a new car) but on a whim we went to Target and separately shopped for each other. We set a budget of $50 each and had the best time buying random stuff at Target. Josh rocked that challenge and got me some of my very favorite gifts to date. It was just a quiet, peaceful Christmas Eve together.

Favorite Christmas movie?

I really love The Santa Clause because it’s a classic. I also love 12 Dates of Christmas. It was one of those ABC family original movies a few years ago and it’s adorable. It’s actually on Netflix this year if you haven’t seen it. I seriously recommend it. Mark Paul Gosselaar at his best. #justsaying


What is your favorite Christmas gift you remember receiving?

When I was a teenager, I remember it was black corduroy overalls that all my friends had that I was dying to have. It’s fine.. you can laugh. They were seriously super stylish then. Recently though I think it was the necklace that Josh got me for the first Christmas after our twins were born. He completely surprised me and I absolutely cried.


What is your favorite Christmas decoration you own?

This plate. I found it at Hobby Lobby maybe 5 years ago and I loved it. I don’t know why it’s on a plate- it was all they had and I couldn’t pass it up. I’ve looked for this image in wall décor forever and have never been able to find anything else. I think it’s so powerful and I just love it. If you’ve seen this somewhere (perhaps not on a plate), please let me know!

I’m always keeping my eye out for a good kid friendly nativity too! We have a Little People nativity that our kids love to play with but I wish I had one that was fancier and didn’t look so much like a toy. It has to be pretty hardy though – I live with 5 boys. Haha!

A little fun holiday confessions post for your Thursday. Thanks for stopping by! Comment with some of your answers to these!

I’m looking forward to reading the rest of the posts!


Christmas Gift Tags – Free Printable!

Happy Wednesday everyone! We’ve been having some really beautiful warm December weather in Iowa the past week or so which has left my boys with some serious concern about Christmas not coming if there hasn’t been snow. I will admit that I’m usually all about the snow in December! The feeling lasts until mid-January when I am OVER all the snow and ready for spring. My older boys have been super annoyed about having to wear a winter coat in the morning to school and then – and I quote – “roasting like warm marshmallows” in them by recess time. I think this warm weather is about over and I think we are all ready for the weather to feel like Christmas time too.

It was time for my annual trip to the Dollar Store for Christmas wrapping paper last night and made out like a bandit. 😉 I love getting all my wrapping supplies there: paper, tissue paper, boxes, ribbon/bows and TAPE. All. The. Tape. Partially because I go through a lot and partially because I always misplace half of it. Tell me I’m not the only one.

I love buying wrapping supplies at the Dollar Store because then I can afford to buy a bunch of different pretty papers plus the character wrapping paper that our kids love without spending very much. Our Santa always wraps his gifts in gold paper (or puts big gold bows on larger items) so I dig through the wrapping paper bins and buy up all the gold too. 😉

One thing I never buy there though is gift tags! I love me some cute gift tags and the ones in stores just don’t really do it. I created these gift tags for  our gifts this year and you can download this FREE printable too! Right here! Print them, cut them out, tape on or string them on a ribbon and a super cute gift you have! OR you can buy this label paper and print them on that instead. I love using label paper because you cut them out, peel off the back and they are stickers ready to go!

And don’t forget about those gifts from Santa!

PLUS, I also created these cute Santa gift tags! You can find those to download here.


Update 2021: This year, there is even more Christmas Gift Tag Printables for you to choose from! PLUS, these are editable in Adobe Reader (free to download) to add your child’s name! Click the photos or links below to head to my Etsy shop for these expanded choices! $3 instant download!

Editable Santa Gift Tags

Editable Christmas Treat Tags

I considered trying to have all my wrapping done this week so I didn’t have to worry about it but then I realized that wrapping to me isn’t a chore. I love to wrap gifts! Josh and I always settle in with a Christmas movie and hot chocolate while I wrap gifts a little every night the week or so before Christmas and I like it that way. 😉


Do you dread wrapping gifts or look forward to it like me?


Don’t forget to pin for when it’s time to get your wrap on. 😉 (Hover over or tap the upper left corner of the images above.) Happy wrapping!


If you like these gift tags, check out the Christmas printables in my Etsy shop!



Friday Favorites {12.1.17}

Happy happy Friday everyone! It’s been quiet around here while our house has been battling our first cold of the season. We started off our week thinking that Caleb had strep again so we are all pretty excited it was just a bad cold – even when it spread to the rest of us.

We had the best long Thanksgiving weekend off together with some beautiful weather! It was so warm we got out to hang up all our Christmas lights immediately after Thanksgiving and hung out outside together all day.

The boys kind of went crazy running around in the fresh air.

Josh and I got to go out for an evening over break to hang out with my friends from high school. It seems crazy after all this time but there is a group of us that has gotten together around Thanksgiving for the past 13 years when we would come home to visit our parents for the holidays. It’s one of my very favorite traditions. I love these people so much!

We hit up a local holiday festival and waited in line for what seemed like ever to see Santa. Eventually everyone completely lost interest and we had moved about 5 feet in line, so we gave up and played some games instead. 😉


Like every Friday, I’m linking up with Erika, Andrea and Narci for Friday Favorites! This week I thought I’d do a little something different and list all my very favorite Etsy stores and gift ideas for your holiday shopping! I’m all about getting a good deal on Black Friday but I also love to support small businesses especially those owned by fellow moms working to support their families. #Momssupportingmoms Read on and find an amazing gift for someone on your list or a brand new Etsy shop to favorite!


These adorable burp cloths from Sew Simply Stork on Etsy are the perfect gift choice for anyone with a brand new baby or with one on the way. The shop owner is one of my real life friends and let me tell you that she makes running a small business and being a full time momma to her littles look easy. #goals

She has a bunch of different burp clothes in adorable patterns plus how cute are these Christmas themed “stocking stuffers’ for baby!

She also has something for a new Daddy too. I love these beer burp cloths!

You can find Sew Simply Stork on Etsy here or on facebook here!



We got this necklace for my mom and Josh’s mom for Christmas last year from Pockets of Mischief on Etsy. The necklaces turned out great and they both loved them! She has so many things in her shop that are perfect for moms or grandmas!



I am in love with everything from That Inspired Chick on Etsy. Seriously. Every new thing she comes out with, I feel like I need to have. Also, if you don’t follow Amanda’s blog, you should! It’s one of my favorites!


I saw this door mat on Pinterest the other day and I couldn’t decide whether to laugh hysterically or buy it right then. This is definitely me around this time of year! Kay Belle Designs on Etsy has a bunch of other cute door mats and more!



I love these holiday pillows from Mother Bliss Creations on Etsy! I love the sweet deer family for the holidays. She has a bunch of beautiful holiday ornaments too! As soon as my twins stop pulling ornaments off our tree and trying to step on them (seriously) I will be first in line for one of those!


And if you are looking for a gift for the person on your list who ‘has everything’ check out my Personalized Family Tree Printable in my Etsy Shop!


Those are my favorites this week! I hope you have the very best weekend!