Month: March 2019

Friday Favorites #33

Happy Friday! It’s been awhile since I’ve done a Friday Favorites post and how I’ve missed it! I’m linking up with ErikaNarci and Andrea for this week of favorites!

It’s been a little quiet around here while I’ve been working hard on a new direction for my blog. If you look around, you can see things are looking a little different! I was starting to feel a little stagnant about the direction I was going and instead was putting all my time into my Etsy shop. Design has always been where my passion is.

I loved this quote. And if it comes from Oprah, it has to be true. 😉

So that’s the new direction for Loving Our Messy! A place for free printables, for design tools and resources for the DIY creative, and a place for me to share my passion. I LOVE this new space and I hope you will too!

Just for the record, Friday Favorites aren’t going anywhere. These are my favorite posts to read and write. And because I need a space to share book recommendations obviously. (See Favorite #2 – some amazing ones!)

Speaking of free printables, check out my latest one from this week.

Anyone who has ever been on the receiving end of a meal train or a gift of a homemade meal, knows how much of a gift it is! This free printable is perfect to attach to those meals. Print, cut, and write out the name of your recipe, baking (or freezing!) instructions, and a quick note to your friend. #ditchthestickynote

If you are struggling to figure out what to make a family you want to bring a meal to, check out the post that inspired this printable. 10 Favorite Meal Ideas for New Moms can be found here.

Hover over the images and pin both for the next time you want to bring someone a meal!

During the past couple of months, Josh and I have been trying to watch a lot less tv. That has been amazing for many reasons but also because it gives me more time to feed my love of reading! I’ve read some amazing books lately.

Redeeming Love – Francine Rivers

I was starting to feel like I was the only one in the universe who hadn’t read this book. I’d heard some amazing things, but it starts off pretty dark you guys. I held onto it for a couple weeks before I could pick it back up.

But I’m SO glad I did. It was so good. The kind of book that makes you think and has stuck with me afterward. It was just beautifully written.

One True Loves – Taylor Jenkins Reid

By it’s name and appearance, I assumed this one was a typical ‘chick lit’ read. I was so wonderfully surprised! I was completely sucked in to this story of a young widow who is recently engaged, and then finds out her husband isn’t actually dead.

It was thought-provoking, so well written and I flew through it because I had to know how it ends! 😉

Baseball season starts for our boys next week, so I’ve been on the hunt for more quick and easy dinner recipes. Super Mom Stir Fry from Lauren’s Latest is a new family favorite! It’s so yummy!

Don’t let the frozen veggies trip you up. I’ve never been one to be able to use frozen broccoli in recipes, it just doesn’t cook or taste the same as fresh. In this recipe though, it doesn’t bother me at all. It might be the completely delicious sauce or those Asian veggies are just that good. Lauren’s recipe uses chicken but we love it with shrimp too!

I’ve posted about the planner from Michael’s that I loved before, but this year I wanted something a little different. This planner from Blessed is She is the best planner I’ve ever owned. For real.

I love that it has two pages for every week. One set lets you meal plan for the week, has a space for a running grocery list, notes, prayer intentions, goals and room for a giant weekly to-do list (which is my favorite part!). I can brain dump all the things for the week in one spot and then refer back to it to over the week for each day.

The daily schedule I love too and the space to write a few things each day from my giant week list. And there is something so satisfying about having boxes to check off!

And of course, all the Bible verses and quotes for each week are what make this planner so special. LOVE, love and worth every penny.

It’s the best time of year. Baseball is back! Opening Day was yesterday for the Cubs and everyone in my house is ready for a great season. Now that my older boys are playing little league, they are so much fun to watch games with because they are starting to get it. Mostly.

They don’t quite understand the concept of replays yet. When I leave the room, they yell to me that the Cubs just scored a run or did something else amazing. It almost always turns out though that it’s a replay from earlier in the game (or last week or last month!). #workinprogress

Those are my favorites for this week! Comment below one of your favorite things on this Friday!

Hope you all have the very best weekend!

Meal Delivery Notes – Free Printable!

For the last two years, this post of 10 Meal Ideas to Bring to New Moms has been the most popular I’ve ever written! And I get why.

Free printable meal delivery notes! Use these to bring a meal to a new mom, to a friend who just had surgery, or even on a batch of cookies for a neighbor!

I love to bring meals to families with new babies but sometimes, the thought of what to make another family is so overwhelming. I refer back to this post ALL the time because all these meals are easy and perfect to pack up and take to someone else. This post makes it so easy to be able to help out another family without stressing.

Anyone who has ever been on the receiving end of a meal train or a gift of a homemade meal, knows how much of a gift it is! After our twins were born, people we didn’t even know very well dropped off meals for us. It was such a lifesaver. I will never forget how much those acts of kindness meant to us!

Meal Train Delivery Note

So today, I’m sharing this free printable to attach to those meals. Print, cut, and write out the name of your recipe, baking (or freezing!) instructions, and a quick note to your friend. #ditchthestickynote Sometimes, it’s the little things that make a such a difference to someone in need of some meal love.

Free printable meal delivery notes! Use these to bring a meal to a new mom, to a friend who just had surgery, or even on a batch of cookies for a neighbor!

You can use these printable notes when you sign up for a meal train to bring a meal to a new mom, to a friend who just had surgery, or even on a quick batch of cookies or muffins for a neighbor.

Enter your email below and your free printable PDF will be emailed to you! Each note is approximately 5″x 4″. Your PDF comes set up with four on the page. Use a couple now and save the others for future meal trains!

Remember, even if finding time to plan and make a meal for someone else seems like just another thing to add to your long to-do list – do it anyway. Your seemingly small act of service can make a huge difference to someone’s life. It’s a simple way we can show our love for others.

You can find the original post – 10 Favorite Meals to Make for New Moms here!

For more of my free printables check out:

Free printable Mother’s Day Card for mom or grandma

Free printable Leprechaun Notes for Kids

Thank you for stopping by!

Leprechaun Notes for Kids – St. Patrick’s Day Free Printable

Maybe it feels like we’re barely past Valentine’s Day but there is just something about St. Patrick’s Day that makes me think of SPRING. Maybe it’s all the green or maybe it’s just that the Midwest is hardcore longing for an end to our terrible winter this year. Our kids have had so many snow days that the school has had to extend their school days for the rest of the year to attempt to make them all up. #ugh

So even if Mother Nature doesn’t cooperate and bring us some warmer weather for St. Patrick’s Day, we have to brighten up the mood somehow right? There is just something about having kids that makes you want to celebrate the little things.

Free printable leprechaun note for kids! Leave this note out on St. Patrick's Day with a little treat from your leprechaun!

On St. Patrick’s Day, we’ll do green pancakes for breakfast and we may just wake up to a little bit of luck from a leprechaun. This cute free printable is a fun way for your leprechaun to leave a festive little note for your kids to wake up to.

Maybe he’ll bring some Lucky Charms for all or leave Rolos (or chocolate gold coins) because we all know leprechauns love their gold! Or maybe he’ll even turn our milk in the fridge green! Because you know leprechauns and their tricks!

And guess what?

This printable is free for you too if you need a little leprechaun luck in your house this year! Just enter your info in the box below and your free printable will be emailed to you lightning fast. (If you don’t see it within a minute or two, check your promotions tab or other folders!) If you aren’t quite in the St. Patrick’s Day mood yet, hover over one of the images above and pin it for later!

Free printable leprechaun note for kids! Leave this note out on St. Patrick's Day with a little treat from your leprechaun!

OR you can also use it as an insert in a little basket of green goodies for a neighbor or friend!

Keep scrolling for new products for 2023!

However you use it, I hope the luck of the Irish is with you this year and you have a wonderful St. Patrick’s Day!

Update 2023: Here we go again! NEW St. Patrick’s Day printables are available this year too including a ‘leprechaun treasure’ scavenger hunt!

It comes with 7 clues that lead around your house to a leprechaun treasure of your choice! Think candy, green treats, gold coins, or small gifts! $3 instant download available now! Click the image or the link below!

St. Patrick’s Day Leprechaun Treasure Scavenger Hunt!

Update 2021: This year, there is even more St. Patrick’s Day Printables for you to choose from! Click the photos or links below to head to my Etsy shop for these expanded choices!

If you’re looking for more free printables, check out my:

Free Printable Meal Delivery Notes

Free Printable Mother’s Day Cards for mom or grandma

Do you have St. Patrick’s Day traditions with your kids? Share them below!