French toast mornings are the best mornings in our house! Sometimes these little guys aren’t very hungry when they wake up and prefer to eat breakfast when we get back home from school drop off but definitely not on french toast mornings. Right after I took this picture, Luke picked up his suction cupped bowl of syrup to dip his french toast in and dumped it on his head. Then rubbed it around in his hair a little. That was fun to clean up amidst the weekday scramble out the door!
Eli’s preschool has a fun tradition for the 3 year old class where the parents come in and help them decorate their ‘Easter bonnets’ with assortment of random Easter stuff we brought. Then we all get to parade through classrooms around the school and show off their beautiful works of art. Eli loved this! He got to lead the line around the school and was so eager he kept trying to make his way past the teacher and run to all the other rooms! All the kids were so adorable!
We had some beautiful Friday weather around here and spent as much of the day as we could outside! Poor Luke and Reid (and myself) have had a touch of cabin fever lately so this weather was a much needed soul refresher! It’s not supposed to last around here but we will take as much as we can get!
We had quite the busy Saturday full of the first weekend of soccer games, team pictures and opening weekend at our local zoo! With the cold Iowa winters, our zoo closes for the late fall/winter and our boys have been asking when they would open again since November! My kids are huge animal lovers and we love walking around the zoo and visiting them all. It was beautiful April weather for the animals on Saturday and there was hardly anyone around! The animals also must have been excited to have visitors again because they were all out and interacting with us!
This leopard was really excited to play and kept sneaking up on Caleb and Eli and jumping up on the glass with them and then running away. They absolutely loved it and we spent a long time hanging out with the leopards!
Our sweet Eli who was so exhausted from soccer and walking around the zoo that day that he ‘needed a rest on the lion Mom!’.
On Easter Sunday, we were thankfully able to go to Mass as a family which is always crazy with four littles but we do our best. Last year, Josh took the big boys to Mass on Easter and I stayed home with the twins who were 6 months old and going through a phase where they alternated being up every 30 minutes all night long. We were happy to be there together this year!
We had my family over for brunch after Mass and I made my very favorite cinnamon rolls which I will share soon! The kids spent the afternoon playing outside with their new Easter toys while Josh and I worked on tearing out some of the front landscaping and replacing it with some new plants and decorative rock. We have a lot more we want to do to the front of the house but it’s amazing how just little changes can make a difference on how a home feels! With some projects we have going on inside the house, it’s starting to feel more like ours and less like we are living in someone else’s house!
On Monday, I finished Best Lent Ever – a daily Lenten video and reflection series by Dynamic Catholic. I loved it! I am a new Matthew Kelly fan for sure. If you want to know more about it, sign up for next year’s Best Lent Ever or their daily reflections go here. I highly recommend it!