Also this week our house rocked our Cubbie blue for the first Cubs game of the season! Happy Opening Day Cubs fans!
I have some high hopes for this season! This is the best time of the year. Luke and Reid already have a favorite player. 😉
The babies had their first food- a little thinned out oatmeal and were a little unsure.
They took a few bites before they were more interested in the spoon than anything else. We will try sweet potatoes later this week which was always a favorite first with Caleb and ElI!
I found this Easter bunny sleeper with ears that Eli wore when he was that age. I couldn’t find it for Easter but we still had to try it out!
Look who is sitting up! You can tell by their smiles that they know they are a pretty big deal. I love this stage because they are pretty content sitting up with a pillow and a pile of toys on their laps for awhile. I know this won’t last long!
They’ve also definitely become more and more aware of each other. They find each other pretty amusing and are constantly falling over on each other or rolling on the other. They don’t ever seem to mind- maybe they are just used it it!
Hope you have a good week! Wish us luck with the house!