We spent a lot of time outside lately while the weather was unseasonably cool. Caleb and Eli have become obsessed with tracing each other with chalk on the driveway and making their outlines into monsters.
We got these little trikes for Luke and Reid for Easter and until recently they were afraid of them. I guess they assumed they were stationary chairs and when they would roll forward they were SO mad. Now, after seeing big brothers on their bikes they are starting to understand the concept of pushing themselves forward! Their little seats open to store ‘treasures’ and we have certainly found some in there including old snacks, mass amount of rocks from our landscaping and toys we thought had been lost. 😉
Baseball season is over for Caleb! He had a great year and is already asking about next season. Truthfully, Josh and I were ready for it to be over because of all the games/practices every week. And this was only t-ball! I don’t know how all the families at higher levels with more time commitment do it. Props to you all.
Another Caleb mention. He had his long awaited eye appointment to see if his eyesight had improved from wearing his patch all day everyday for the last month. His eyesight did improve so they recommended he continue to wear it part time for another month and then we will go back and make sure his eyesight has stayed the same. He got a new pair of glasses that he loves and is completely pumped about not having to wear his patch as much. I’m so proud of him for being so responsible with this and all things considered, hardly complaining about it. I think his glasses make him look so old!
Josh and I went for an overnight away to see one of his close friends get married. It was our first time being away overnight since our twins were born so we were definitely enjoying some alone time. A quiet 3.5 hour ride that we could actually carry on a conversation and only stop once on the way there. It was wonderful having some time together!
We spent our fourth having a bbq at my aunt’s, a little zoo time to visit the new ocean exhibit and seeing fireworks. We have been waiting months for the ocean exhibit to open and it did not disappoint.
The kids LOVED seeing the octopus and some small sharks!
They had a very nice Animal Educator there who spent some time with the boys showing them a shark jaw, an octopus beak and some other cool ocean things. When we went to the library later in the week, you better believe they hit up the ocean section because they needed to know even more details about him.
Last year Luke and Reid slept through the fireworks so we weren’t really sure what to expect from them this year but they did great!
They loved their glow sticks which kept them entertained while we were waiting for the fireworks.
We got there a little bit too early giving us an hour or so to wait so by the time they were ready to start, Luke and Reid had lost interest in the whole adventure. They played with each other climbing in and out of the stroller while the rest of us watched! Hey, whatever keeps them happy. 😉
We spent some time over the weekend with some friends that we haven’t seen in awhile and our kiddos were thrilled.
Their kids are very close in age to ours and they all picked up right where they left off. When we left our fun day, Eli was SO sad and truly couldn’t understand why we couldn’t invite them to live in our house with us….
Hope everyone had a wonderful week!