Reid was able to come home yesterday after spending 10 days in the NICU. By sheer luck, my parents were up yesterday morning to watch our big boys so Josh and could actually go visit Reid together. (Our hospital was amazing and always allowed us to bring Luke with us when we visited Reid. I know that is not typical of all hospitals so we were very lucky they allowed us to do that.) During morning rounds, one of the doctors unexpectedly said that she felt like Reid was eating, breathing and maintaining his temperature well enough to go home that day as long as we brought him to our next doctors appointment for Luke on Monday so she could check them both out. Reid passed his car seat test required for NICU babies with flying colors and we were discharged to go home! It was such an amazing day.
It felt so sudden and nonchalant that they said we could take Reid home so we didn’t waste any time! We had one of our nurses snap a couple pictures, loaded them in their car seats and practically ran for the exit before anyone could change their minds.
The going home outfits I had bought them were 0-3 months and they were gigantic but I absolutely did not care. We worked hard for this moment!
We came home to some beautiful driveway art from my aunt and sister and a warm welcome by our wonderful neighbors. We brought them home on an unseasonably warm October day so we took them for their first mini walk lead by their proud big brothers of course.
Last night was our first night all home together and it went better than we expected. Obviously taking care of two babies is not easy but we managed to each get some chunks of sleep. The babies are only about 37 weeks gestation at this point so they are still pretty sleepy. We have to wake them to nurse every 2-3 hours and then they were more than ready to go back to sleep. I know this won’t last forever so we will take it while we can!
Knowing that we don’t have to run back and forth to the NICU anymore is a feeling I cannot even describe. I hope I can let a little of that stress go now and actually help my body start healing from my c-section. Josh has about a week left on his paternity leave and I am so grateful that he will be here to help get us adjusted before he has to head back to work.
Our greatest adventure begins now! Life with 4 boys 4 years and under! Wish us luck and excuse the blog silence as we settle in!