So I’m back to blogging. Sometimes what stopped me before was the pressure to have perfect pictures/perfect grammar/perfect content. I’m letting that go now. My pictures will not be perfect and the posts won’t always be concise or on-topic but that is just fine with me. I’ll get better- I promise.
So…. what’s been going on in our lives?
* Caleb turned 4 and Eli turned 2 and they are the very best of friends. Caleb loved preschool last year and will start Pre-K in the fall. Our Pre-K is every day, half days which will be quite the adjustment for everyone! I know he is ready for it though and has been counting down the days since preschool was over in May. Eli has really grown up in the past year and his spunky personality is coming through more and more. He is so very sweet when he wants to be and also has so much more sass than his big brother. Sometimes, he gives us a run for our money!
* Josh and I have been working like crazy on updating our home. I think when I stopped posting, we had around 3 rooms in the entire house done. We got a burst of motivation this last winter because we were preparing to have the boy’s birthday party at our house and did our entire main level and basement in a few weeks. The last few months, Josh finished two of the bedrooms upstairs and now we only have 3 rooms left to do in the entire house. Our bedroom, the laundry room, and our upstairs bathroom. Can. Not. Wait. (I’ve been taking pictures the whole time and hopefully one of these days will get around to putting all the before/after photos up on here.)
* We’re tackling the art of potty training our second child. I thought it would get easier after the first… but that’s not true. At least not for us. Potty training is not for the faint of heart and it is exhausting. Slow and steady is our motto right now.
*We spent our spring and early summer doing all the fun things we could as a family of 4. We played, we went to movies, we traveled to visit family, we picked out new bedding and paint for the ‘Big Boy Room’, and we soaked up our time together because….. as of October we will no longer be a family of 4. Our family is expecting….. TWINS! We are thrilled, shocked, excited, nervous and everything in between. A post on how we found out and how the pregnancy is going is on it’s way. We are currently 26 weeks and trucking along.
This is definitely a time in our lives where nothing is boring…