September 1st is when I’m getting out all my fall decor, lighting up all my beautiful fall candles, and throwing some pumpkin in everything. I’m even okay with the fact that I need to wait about an extra month for a real pumpkin spice latte – because I think it will taste even better to my sleep and caffeine deprived self.
My four year old had a moment this afternoon where he was super sad that summer is drawing to a close and Christmas isn’t for another four months (because apparently the only good things in life are summer and Christmas). And four months is of course an eternity. We talked about all the fun things that will happen between now and Christmas time that we absolutely don’t want to skip! Like the start of pre-k, our babies being born, football, Halloween, and Thanksgiving. He’s pretty convinced now that fall coming is not quite so terrible. 😉
8 days and counting….