So Pinterest to the rescue, right? I found a few ideas that I combined into something that would work for our family right now. Caleb has wanted to be an artist when he grows up for a long time and it was one of my main goals to continue to encourage his goal and show enthusiasm for all of his hard work while also making sure we all realize that we cannot hold onto everything that comes home for the rest of our lives. And of course, I wanted it to look nice and not be a big expense!
I created a sign in Photoshop (but you could use Picmonkey or another free service) and stuck it in a 16 x 20 frame that we already had. I found inexpensive curtain rods to mount on the wall that were 9.99 each. I also bought rings with clips to put on the rods to hang the artwork for $4.99 with a deal on Cartwheel. I bought all ours in the oil rubbed bronze finish but they had other finishes there to choose from. We hung ours high enough so the twins couldn’t pull anything down but low enough that the boys could enjoy their work! We hung our art gallery in the kitchen but I think it would be great in a living room/den too!
We don’t put anything on the side of our fridge anymore. They each have 7 clips to hang something on and choose what they want to hang every day. When the clips are full, they choose what to take down to put something new up. Sometimes they really love something and leave it up for a long time and other times things only stay up for a couple days. When we take something down, we take a picture of the things we really liked and recycle it all. It’s been a really good system for us this past school year.
What do we do with the rest of the paper clutter you ask? I recycle as much as I can right away (information on sports he is too young for or invitations to groups we are already involved with or are not interested in), take pictures of event details that I know we need and recycle the paper, or I file things that we do absolutely need to hang on to in this organizer which sits on the corner of our kitchen counter. It’s small and doesn’t take up too much space. I try to go through it when I notice it is getting overly full to make sure we actually need what is in there.
Please share any tips you have for controlling the school clutter! It’s overwhelming to think of four of them being in school and coming home with papers!