At their two month well check, Reid was 11 lbs. 7 oz. and Luke was 10 lbs 5 oz. They decided to graduate them from the premie chart and move them up to the ‘big boy’ measuring chart this month which is big news around here! That puts Reid in the 15th percentile and our little Luke at the 3rd percentile. I am so proud of my boys! Reid has always been such a good eater but I’m extra proud of Luke lately who seems to be going through a growth spurt and is even more excited than Reid to eat.
Developmentally, they are a little behind (which is expected at this point) but really not too much. They are both smiling at us, holding their heads up for short periods, and tracking us with their eyes. It’s amazing to think about how much they have grown and changed already! I love this stage when they start to notice the world around them and start to interact with us.
They absolutely love their big brothers and truthfully they are loved right back. The other night, Luke took a little snooze on the floor while I was getting dinner ready and Caleb and Eli built a circle of super heroes around him to protect him while he slept. My momma heart was proud.
I can definitely tell the difference in their cries now when I am in another room or during the night. Luke is more easy going than his brother most of the time and really enjoys sitting in his bouncer or laying on the floor and taking in the world around him. Reid has some stronger opinions that he would like to make known. He absolutely hates to yawn (which cracks me up) and knows and doesn’t like if Luke is being held and he isn’t or if Luke has his favorite caterpillar toy.
Josh and I have no problems telling them apart but anyone who comes to see them feels otherwise. When we send pictures to family members we always have to specify which baby it is!
Tandem nursing is going really well which is such a blessing. Nursing twins is not without challenges but we are doing great so far. We spend the majority of our afternoons cuddled up on the couch while Eli naps and Caleb has some quiet time. It’s truly my very favorite part of my day right now and I know with certainty that it’s these moments I will miss.
Overall, I think they are sleeping really good too. They usually take a little cat nap around 7 and then are back down for the night around 11. They wake around 3 or 4 to eat and then sleep again until 6. We consider ourselves incredibly lucky at this point. They love their sleep sacks more than Caleb or Eli ever did. Right now they are still sleeping together (heads on opposite sides) of the pack and play but I can imagine that fairly soon they will outgrow it and move to a crib.
It’s funny because Josh and I already have a hard time remembering what we did with our ‘spare’ time before these little dudes. They were absolutely the missing pieces of our family. Happy two months sweet boys!