Before I get to the little stuff, we celebrated Luke and Reid’s baptism earlier this month. We had such a wonderful day and I think our parish does a wonderful job making the ceremony held during Mass special for the families.
I was a little nervous that the babies wouldn’t really want to cooperate and when one starts crying… the other commonly follows! They really surprised us though and did amazing!
One of our only family of six pictures!
This month, Reid started rolling over. Luke watched him for a week or so and then decided that he wanted to have some fun too. Even though we have two older boys and have been through this before, it’s still a shock to set them down on the floor and look back to see them in a different spot!
They are playing a little bit by themselves with toys now and are more generous with their smiles. Seeing those smiles when they wake up in the morning is my very favorite thing. They are always waving their arms when they get excited hence the blur.
They are still nursing great and are napping well during the day. They wake up around 6:45 and snooze a little bit on the way back from dropping Caleb off at pre-K. They take another mini-snooze on the way to get him around 11:15 and then take a longer afternoon nap around 1:30. They aren’t sleeping through the night just yet and are still up at least twice but sometimes many more times. We’ve still been waking them both to eat when one wakes up overnight but we’re starting to think about easing our way out of that.
The boys had their hip ultrasounds this month and results from those were normal which is wonderful. The procedure itself was not painful at all but a little awkward to try to keep them calm while the doctor was doing the ultrasound. I’m not sure if it was a matter of preference or what but the doctor performing the test, insisted that the babies were not only held completely still but also silent during the test. For example, if there was any crying or fussing even if they weren’t moving, he would get agitated and start over. That made the whole thing very stressful as you can imagine. There is no ability to reason with a 3 month old about why they need to be quiet. That part was a little strange.
Luke also went to see the ophthalmologist this month about the abnormality that our regular pediatrician saw in his eye. Thankfully, the ophthalmologist assigned to us was actually an old colleague of mine from when I worked in the lab. She was seriously such a blessing to us and reassured me with her words (but also just her presence) that everything was going to be okay. She examined him and found that the abnormality is actually a characteristic that is commonly seen in premature babies. She strongly expects that it will go away on its own in time but wants to keep monitoring it. However, she did notice during the exam that Luke also has clogged tear ducts on both his eyes that will also need to be monitored. She hopes that they will resolve themselves but said if they don’t by the time he turns a year old, he will need to have a small surgery to clear them.Certainly we never want issues to arise but I feel very comforted that she is our doctor and know that we are in good hands!
Huge month right? Happy four months to my sweet boys!