When I was trying to come up with some goals for 2016, I immediately thought of all these books I wanted to read, opportunities I wanted to volunteer for, and all the hours I wanted to spend trying out new exercise routines to get back into shape. And then I laughed at myself. I mean I hope that I can dabble in all of that sometime this year but let’s be honest. Those are not realistic goals for me to focus on this year during this crazy season of my life. There will be years for those things but this year I’m setting some more realistic goals that are just as important to me.
1. Prepare ourselves for mentally and emotionally for kindergarten and preschool. Caleb will be starting kindergarten in the fall and Eli 3 year old preschool. I love my big boys and know they will do wonderfully with what is ahead but I want to spend this year working with them on the things that will help them be ready. Helping Eli be more confident with the potty and expressing himself with words. Working with Caleb on letter sounds and his nerves about being at school all day. And of course, working on preparing MY emotions for these big changes for my big boys.
2. Decide once and for all whether to move closer to our families or stay here. For years, we’ve considered moving closer to our families for what seems like a million reasons. We’ve always been one foot in, one foot out and it’s been a subject of constant discussion. With Caleb starting kindergarten in the fall, I want him to start school in the place we plan to live forever. I’m not sure if that place is here or there but I want us to decide. Then make peace with our decision and move on.
3. Work into a better sleeping routine with the babies. They are only three months old and are doing great sleeping- it could be SO much worse with two. I do however hope we can ease ourselves into a routine of an earlier bedtime for them so Josh and I can have a little time to ourselves at night to hang out together alone while the littles are sleeping- to watch tv, pick up the house or whatever. I think we are both missing that time.

4. Start my new role at home and make it work for me. I’m excited to be home with my kiddos and get into a routine. I find comfort in routine and look forward to starting our new one with me home.
5. Get more active. More exercise of course but I really mean just getting our whole family out of the house. We’ve been limited in our activities lately with two new babies and living in a cold weather climate. When we are faced with packing up all the boys, it’s so much easier to just hang around at home. I’m hoping as warmer weather hits in the spring we will be up and out of the house making memories as a family again.
6. Be intentional about time in prayer. When I can start my day with even just a few moments of prayer, it makes me a more patient and purposeful person and mother. I really want to try to start every day this year like that. Even if I only have a few minutes.
Well that’s it. 2015 blew my mind. Bring it on 2016.