Babies are moving around like crazy more every day. It’s exciting for me that I’ve finally been able to distinguish Baby A’s movement from Baby B’s and I’m able to keep tabs on each of them individually. Movement is my favorite part of pregnancy and these babies do not disappoint!
For the last several weeks, I’ve been having some contractions off and on which are making me fairly nervous. It seems like when I have them, I have a bunch in a row and then they will subside. They always say if you have more than 4 in an hour to come in to labor and delivery to be monitored, which is slightly funny to me since that happens multiple times literally every day. I probably wouldn’t think much of it if I hadn’t felt contractions exactly like this at the end with Eli that I assumed were Braxton Hicks, only to end up at the doctors office at 7 cm with absolutely no idea I was in labor. So needless to say, I’ve been trying to stay as close to the couch as possible these days when I can.
There is increasingly less room on my lap for this gargantuan belly of mine which makes it very difficult to get remotely comfortable in a sitting position at all. Especially at work since bringing a couch into my lab is slightly frowned upon.
In general, I’m sleeping better than I expected. I’m still up at least 4 times (or 7) during the night to pee but usually the actual moments I spend sleeping are restful. I refused to spend money on a new pregnancy pillow this time – I felt we had enough expenses this go round amiright??? – so I sleep with two pillows under my head, two under my tummy, and another boppy pregnancy pillow between my legs. Watching me attempt to maneuver all these pillows and actually get out of bed I would imagine is quite comical although at this point I sure fail to see the hilarity.
We are trucking along day by day. Looking forward to having an ultrasound and doctors appointment this week to check on these sweet babies. Happy to have made it this far, looking forward to the coming week!