They had their 18 month well child visit this week and are growing like weeds! They definitely have a bit of the ‘stranger danger’ phase going on right now and they clung to me like never before. Thank goodness no shots this time!
We are definitely in that odd time period where they don’t have the vocabulary to express everything they want which results in a lot of whining all the time. I remember this time as being difficult with Eli and with two of them whining for things of which I have no idea, it is even more difficult! We are doing our best to learn new words and a bit of patience.
So far, Luke is more vocal than Reid which doesn’t surprise me. Reid has always been the first to do physical things (crawling, walking, going up/down the stairs) and Luke is usually the first to do the rest (talking, pointing, smiling, etc). Our doctor is not concerned that Reid is a bit slower to talk at this point and neither are we. I’ve heard to remember with twins that they are still two individual people and each are on their own timelines! So far we’ve heard from one or both of them: cheese, mama, dada, bath, go, moo, nodding yes and no, out, up, done. Luke has started saying owie to express his objection to just about anything he doesn’t like. It’s pretty hysterical.
They are giving hugs and kisses freely which is one of the best things ever. They hug each other to say sorry although sometimes a little too fiercely and both end up on the floor. We think that part is pretty funny but they don’t really so much. Speaking of being on the floor though, they have definitely picked up the fighting over toys lately which frequently ends up in a mini-wrestling match over said toy.
Much to my surprise, they both self-weaned at about 17 months. I didn’t really have a plan with these guys for stopping and kind of just thought I would let them do their own thing as long as they wanted. I’m so very happy that I was able to nurse them as long as I did and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t miss that cuddle time with each of them (but I suppose that’s a post for another day). Most of the time, they are pretty good eaters and will try just about any type of food we put in front of them.
This winter has sort of been their first real winter since we didn’t leave the house much at all when they were itty bitty. We’ve definitely been paying for it with seemingly constant sickies including a car vomiting incident while waiting in the school pick-up line. I can’t even type it without my stomach turning. Spring is coming soon and we hope with it some healthier days!
Reid has had a particularly hard couple of months with some teeth coming in and a constant runny nose that is driving him nuts. Sometimes lately it seems like we can’t even put our finger on what is bothering him but I’m actually starting to wonder if it could either be a combination of everything going on (including frustration with not being able to express himself quite yet) or just a bad case of CABIN FEVER. Of which I can’t even blame him. This winter has been hard!
They are sleeping about 11-12 hours at night and a 2-3 hour nap. Sometimes they stay up after I lay them down or wake up early and spend their time chatting, giggling and jumping in their beds together. It really it the sweetest thing to watch.
We love these little guys so much and they are becoming so much fun as they get older. I have to say though.. I’m starting to understand the wiser twin mommas who say it doesn’t really get easier, just a different kind of hard. I so get that! We have our own special kind of crazy chaos all day long every day! Honestly I would go back and do it all again over and over because at the end of every day there is so, so much more good than bad!